Pacific Region A.A. Service Assembly (PRAASA)
March 5 - March 7
For the First Ever Virtual PRAASA with Al-Anon Participation
Hosted by Central California Area 93 |
Please provide the following confidential information, which will not be shared with anyone except the registration committee of PRAASA. Area 09 will pay the $15 registration fee on your behalf, share the following information, and the PRAASA committee with contact you at the email address you provide. Please refer any questions and return this completed form to Ed L, Area 09, Panel 70 delegate at (760) 964-0012 and, or mail to Ed LaRue, P.O. Box 2644, Wrightwood, CA 92397.
PRAASA GSR registration form.2-2-2021
Online Registration:
Mail-in Registration: 4212 E. Los Angeles Avenue #3638, Simi Valley CA 93063-3308
Suggested Contribution of $15
Email for more information
Spanish & ASL translation available if requested
Flier: PRAASA 21 English | PRAASA 21 Spanish